Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy 18 months to my babies...I mean, toddlers!

Our memories from the NICU are quickly fading. The worries of bradycardias and apnea spells in our tiny, premature infants have been replaced, replaced by worries of accidents and falls by our toddlers. But, toddlerhood is an amazing time of discovery. I love watching the kids explore and take command of their environment. However, the Holtlets' will and determination exceed their physical abilities, leading to lots of frustration and bumps on the head!


Tiffany said...

Happy 18 months Holtlets!!!

Grandma Linda said...

Happy Year-And-A-Half Birthday to my three miracle grandchildren!! I just saw you all 3 days ago, and I miss you already. Actually, I already missed you when I drove down the block from your house on Tuesday evening. I love you, Sweet Peas! Your swing set for our house arrived. You'll have to tell your Pa Pa to get right on it in putting it together!


Grandma Linda