Monday, May 11, 2009

18-Month Exam

Today we went to the doctor for our 18-month exam. The kids each gained only about one pound since their 15-month appointments. The doctor would have liked each to have gained two to three pounds. So, we will now add Carnation Instant Breakfast to their dinner serving of milk and add more high fat items to their diet. The doctor suggested adding cheese and butter to vegetables and adding peanut butter to their diet. I am sure that the grandmas will use this opportunity to sneak in even more ice cream runs! The kiddos had the following stats:

Lila: 18lbs 13oz, 31.5"
Adilenne: 19lbs 12 oz, 32"
Will: 19lbs 9.5oz, 32"

We discussed potty training with the doctor. She suggested that we place the potty chair in the bathroom, just so the kids can familiarize themselves with it before we start training in earnest. For some odd reason, this made me a little babies are growing up! Clearly, I am nuts!

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

Oh, I don't know about sneaking!! Now we can be open about the ice cream. Of course, I will have to taste test the babies' ice cream to make sure it's o.k. I wish I could see their faces the first time they try out peanut butter. When I make peanut blossom cookies this Christmas, they'll probably be all over those, won't they? I hope anyway! Hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't wait until Christmas. The babies need them now!

Grandma Sandy and PaPa Al are already on the case. They got them ice cream on Saturday. We grandparents know what the Holtlets need!!


Grandma Linda