Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Belated 14 Months!

We have had a busy start to the new year. Last Tuesday, we had our first swimming lessons. Fortunately, we have family in town with an infant who also thought swimming lessons would be fun. So, when we combine all the babies and mommies and daddies, we have the right mix of adults and babies!

I thought the kids would take to the water immediately. They love splashing during bath time. Adilenne spent the first 20 minutes crying and trying to climb into my body. Will displayed a mixed look of disgust and apprehension until about the last five minutes. Not surprisingly, my little daredevil Lila had no problems taking to the water. I suspect that the lessons will become more fun for them as they get more acquainted with the new surroundings. And, not to be left out, our baby cousin was fantastic, the baby star of the class.

The kids have changed so much, even since Christmas. Adilenne and Will have chosen walking as the primary mode of transport. (Lila is still not quite standing on her own yet. She'll get there!) They have all become little mimics, which is hilarious. The girls love to say "uh, oh." It is so cute! Adilenne also likes to say "night, night," "me," and "whoa." Everyone says "mamma" and "dadda" but have a strong preference for calling us both "dadda."

Signing is going well. Adilenne is the most consistent signer. She signs "more," "eat," and "all done." Lila knows those signs, but she uses them less as she is less emphatic about getting what she wants. Will is not interested in signing yet. We'll keep trying.

Adilenne is also quickly perfecting her tantrums. She pretend cries and then thrashes around, giving us a quick look to see if we are witnessing her displeasure. I was suprised to see Adilenne asserting herself so early. That's my girl!

1 comment:

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

it ounds like they are all doing quite well, and getting so big too! i bet they will get used to it soon and be swimming champs in no time. i haven't been brave enough to try swimming lessons after our trip to the pool this summer was just a disaster. i think maybe we will attempt it again this summer. maybe.