Thursday, August 14, 2008

Growing Up

We have some seriously mobile kids now! Will now crawls up on all fours. The little booger is fast! Addie still army crawls, but she now pulls into a standing position. I am in awe of her determination. We can see that it takes all her strength to pull up, but she insists on doing it over and over. Finally, Lila is now army crawling. She was happy just to roll everywhere. It was quite effective. But, nonetheless, I am pleased to see her new skills.

The kiddos are now 9 months old. I cannot believe it. We had our wellness appointment. They had the following stats:
Lila P 14 lbs 90z (3rd percentile) 27" (45 percentile)
Addie G 16 lbs 2oz (10th percentile) 27.5" (50th percentile)
Will 16 lbs 0oz (3rd percentil) 28" (45th percentile)
Because the kids are so small, we will continue on high-calorie formula. However, we have been given the ok to move off of preemie formula. Now, we can buy in bulk!!! Can you tell that I am excited?

We have been very busy. This past weekend, we had a houseful, including my new niece. We had so much fun. I am from a relatively small family, so I love that our family is growing. I love the chaos from a houseful of people.

And, the week came with a busy start. On Monday, my mother and I went to Peoria to see the neurosurgeon. Will has been released. His head has rounded out quite nicely. Addie still has some assymetry in her forehead, but it is ever so slight. It is expected to get better with time. Finally, Miss Lila is making good progress in her helmet. One month, maybe two months, left. After the neurosurgeon, we headed to the orthopedic office to have Lila's helmet adjusted. The practioner there also thought that Lila's head shape was improving. It looks like the helmet will be off by the first birthday.

All those in town probably heard me singing the Hallelujah Chorus today. Derek is able to apply some weight to his ankle. This means that he is more self-sufficient and closer to returning to his normal "duties." Let me tell you, I certainly appreciate all the work he does. Last night, I got into a fight with the sprinkler, as I was trying to water the grass. I think the neighbors would say that the sprinkler won the battle.

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

I am going to try this comment again. I told you that I lost my password. Then, I found what I thought was the password, and it didn't work. Well, as I was saying in my previous comment that did not work...Wow, I did not check your blog while I was on vacation, and I missed two postings! I cannot believe the progress the babies have made! Although I have been around for some of the events you mentioned, I still love reading the blog. I can get a glimpse of your everyday life with the family. I know how you feel about how MUCH work Derek does. When your dad is out of town, I notice how much more work I have to do in his absence. Those husbands are good to have around, aren't they?

As a grandparent, I feel that I have more time to notice and appreciate my grandchildrens' accomplishments than my own childrens' accomplishments. Sorry, Becky, you KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!
