Sunday, August 24, 2008


Grandma Linda and Grandpa Rick bought the kids a choo-choo wagon as an early 1st birthday present. Thanks to them for sending it early! We took it for a couple of test drives today. We love it! Compared to the stroller, the wagon allows the kids more freedom to move and look around. I really thought it was easy to pull, too. I have visions of pulling them around on Halloween. I think that I have already picked out their Halloween costumes. But, I am going to keep it under wraps for now.

We all had a nice weekend. I spent some time shopping with Adilenne and Will, individually. For the first time, they each sat in a grocery cart. They did great. Last night, Derek and I met his parents for a comedy concert. We enjoyed their company, the show, and a night out. Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Al stayed over, so they could spend some time with the kiddos. The kids put on their best show for Grandma and Grandpa. Addie and Will crawled on all fours, and Addie wowed us all as she stood up on the couch and the pack n' play. We will have a cruiser soon.

I probably will not have another post before Will's surgery on Friday. Just say a quick prayer for him. The surgery is routine for the surgeon, but it is not routine for us.

I updated the Flickr pics. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Growing Up

We have some seriously mobile kids now! Will now crawls up on all fours. The little booger is fast! Addie still army crawls, but she now pulls into a standing position. I am in awe of her determination. We can see that it takes all her strength to pull up, but she insists on doing it over and over. Finally, Lila is now army crawling. She was happy just to roll everywhere. It was quite effective. But, nonetheless, I am pleased to see her new skills.

The kiddos are now 9 months old. I cannot believe it. We had our wellness appointment. They had the following stats:
Lila P 14 lbs 90z (3rd percentile) 27" (45 percentile)
Addie G 16 lbs 2oz (10th percentile) 27.5" (50th percentile)
Will 16 lbs 0oz (3rd percentil) 28" (45th percentile)
Because the kids are so small, we will continue on high-calorie formula. However, we have been given the ok to move off of preemie formula. Now, we can buy in bulk!!! Can you tell that I am excited?

We have been very busy. This past weekend, we had a houseful, including my new niece. We had so much fun. I am from a relatively small family, so I love that our family is growing. I love the chaos from a houseful of people.

And, the week came with a busy start. On Monday, my mother and I went to Peoria to see the neurosurgeon. Will has been released. His head has rounded out quite nicely. Addie still has some assymetry in her forehead, but it is ever so slight. It is expected to get better with time. Finally, Miss Lila is making good progress in her helmet. One month, maybe two months, left. After the neurosurgeon, we headed to the orthopedic office to have Lila's helmet adjusted. The practioner there also thought that Lila's head shape was improving. It looks like the helmet will be off by the first birthday.

All those in town probably heard me singing the Hallelujah Chorus today. Derek is able to apply some weight to his ankle. This means that he is more self-sufficient and closer to returning to his normal "duties." Let me tell you, I certainly appreciate all the work he does. Last night, I got into a fight with the sprinkler, as I was trying to water the grass. I think the neighbors would say that the sprinkler won the battle.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Summer Pictures

I am so excited. We just got the proofs from our summer photo shoot. Click on the provided link to view.

We have been busy as usual. I took Derek to the doctor today. He has a grade 3 (the worst grade) high ankle sprain. It should heal on its own within 6-8 weeks. That seems like good news. He is wearing an aircast and will be on crutches for a while. It sounds to me like he is ready to be on full baby duty. Just teasing! Tonight, a couple of friends watched the kids while I mowed the grass. All I have to say is "get well soon, Derek." He has yet to see my handy work. He will be surprised to see the destruction I have caused to the yard in less than a week!

On my last post, I forgot to tell you all some fun details. Addie now gives kisses. Not freely, but she gives them. Now, they are open mouth, wet kisses, but I love them. Will now shakes his head "no." I am not sure that he understands, though. I think it is so adorable. They will all be waving soon. I always wave goodbye, and I can see them starting to move their hands to mimic. I can't wait. And last but not least, Lila loves to scream. I mean, LOVES to scream. She cracks me up.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Daddy is Getting Old

We had a busy weekend. I had 12 hours of class on Friday and Saturday. (I know, I know, you thought I was done. I'm really close, though. Two more weekends!) Pappi and Grandma Sandy came to help Derek take care of the kids on Saturday. Then, Grandma Linda and Grandpa Rick came on Sunday. The babies loved all the cuddle and play time. I enjoyed it, too! We often spend so much time taking care of their basic needs that we don't get the downtime with them. But, this weekend Lila and I took a nice, long nap!

The weekend took a nasty turn on Sunday night when Derek injured himself playing softball. Derek tore some ligaments near his ankle after his first at bat. Fortunately, we were able to go to prompt care, avoiding the inconvenience of the ER. The doctor was so nice, even as he hassled Derek about continuing to play on his injured ankle. After examining Derek's ankle, we overheard the doctor talking to the nurses about how swollen and bruised Derek's leg was. He was sure it was broken. After the x-ray, the doctor was pleased to tell us the good news: it was not broken. But, then he told us the bad news: it was badly sprained, which in many ways was just as bad. The doctor could not do any additional testing on Derek's ankle to determine how badly the ligaments were torn because of all of the swelling. He will see another doctor later this week.

So, Derek is home this week from work, and I am playing nurse. Derek did such a fantastic job taking care of me during my bedrest. I hope to be as good. Let me tell you, though, I'm tired already! Feeding babies, making dinner, getting meds, freezing ice packs, mowing grass, doing homework... Just when I think that I cannot fit anymore into my day, I do!