Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Busy, Busy

Miss Addie Grace is a busy girl. She has discovered her hands and loves to put them in her mouth. And, I would now classfy her as a thumb sucker. (She gets that from me.) Addie Grace has also discovered her voice. She loves to laugh and scream. After the 5am feeding, Derek and I drowsingly put the kids back to bed. We crawl back into our bed only to hear Addie's squeals of delight. Lila laughs, but neither Lila nor Will squeal much. Before long, we will have a chorus of squealers.

We are all doing well. Just waiting for warmer weather. I have a new jogging stroller on the way. I cannot wait to use it. A couple of weekends ago, I took the kids for a walk. The poor things are not used to sunlight. They did a lot of squinting.

The babies go to the doctor on Thursday for their four month wellness appointment. I will be sure to update you all then.
Last but not least, Matheny turned five today. She still acts like a puppy. For her birthday, she helped herself to several pacifiers!

1 comment:

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

I love baby squeals! Just wait, soon enough everyone will start "chatting" with each other :) It is so cute to listen to. I am so excited for warm weather too, we finally got out of the house yesterday for a walk and it was wonderful!