Over the past year, we have enjoyed watching the kids' individual personalities develop. They are so very different. To celebrate their uniqueness, I thought that I would dedicate a post to each of them this week.

Miss Lila, the eldest by one minute, was the first Baby named. As soon as we saw images of our "Baby Girl A" on the ultrasound screen, we knew that we were seeing Lila. In my belly, Lila passed the time by thrashing her legs around (into my bladder). To this day, she loves to lie on her back and pound her legs on the floor. Soon after her arrival, she quickly earned the nickname "Cranky Pants" with the NICU nurses, as she was quick to express displeasure. But now, she is the easiest to please of the bunch. She enjoys playing independently, often examining every detail of her world. She is shy and does not just give a way smiles. But, when you win her over, you realize that it was worth the wait! And, finally, Lila is extremely determined. She does not abandon challenges. We have watched her physically make great progress over the last few weeks.
Nicknames: Lila Bear, Lila P, Li, Lillee
Likes: Patty-Cake, cottage cheese, playing with the wheels of the choo-choo wagon, cramming Cheerios into her mouth (much to my dismay), smiling at puppies, playing peek-a-boo, sucking her thumb
Dislikes: Diaper changes, formula, naps, pacifiers
Miss Lila, momma loves you!