Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Addie Rocks the Vote

Addie was quite interested in Barack Obama's 30-minute special tonight. I know that this election has energized our youth...but also our babies? Is Addie choosing her party affiliation already?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where did October go...?

This month has been a whirlwind. Early this month, I flew to California for my first work trip since the kids were born. I had a little anxiety about leaving, but I quelled it with retail therapy at a great mall in Orange County. And, less than 24 hours after I returned, Derek headed to NYC for a friend's wedding. For 1.5 weeks, we were strangers in the night.

Now, the family is home together. Last week, we celebrated my 29th birthday. (The last one that I am celebrating!) We took the kids out to a restaurant. For the first time, they sat in highchairs at the table. They had a wonderful time and were very well behaved. Thanks for the great present kids!!! I am a bit of a germ-a-phobe, though. I gasped when I saw Lila licking the table!

The kiddos are making great progress every day. I am proud to report that Lila was the first to climb the stairs. Of course, Addie and Will were only about 5 minutes behind. Addie can stand on her own but topples sometimes when she realizes that she is on her own. She will take assisted steps. We are getting close. Will and Lila will probably be several weeks behind Addie. The physical therapist reported that Will and Lila still have the "toe curl" reflex, which interferes with balance. I will report more from our Early Intervention appointment in the next post. For now, I am off to the spa!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hats Off to Lila!

Today, Lila graduated from the STARband helmet program. She's cute. She continues to feel the top of her head. She knows that something is missing. She'll really notice that the helmet is gone the first time she bangs her head on something. Lila has certainly benefited from the protection of the helmet over the last few months. I am looking forward to cuddling my little girl and being able to reach her little cheeks for kisses!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


For the past several months, I have mentally played the "what was I doing at this time last year" game. Well, last year I was lounging in my recliner watching every television show that was ever created. I am exaggerating...only those created between 1995 and 2007. As expected, this fall is wildly different. I no longer have time for all episodes from the CSI trilogy. Thank goodness (although CSI NY is a quality program).

Now, my fall evenings are filled with crisp walks through the neighborhood and endless games of peek-a-boo. I love it. The kids are changing so fast. Lila is especially good at playing peek-a-boo. She loves to hold the blanket over her face, and when she pulls it down, she emits a big belly laugh. Adilenne can wave hello and goodbye. She really caught on to it tonight. But, tomorrow is a new day. We'll see what she remembers. All three munchkins can now pull-up to a standing position. Little Miss Lila relies a lot on her upper body, not her legs, to pull up, so it is a lot more work for her. She is one determined little girl, though. Adilenne and Will have started to cruise. I have a feeling that Derek and I are just several weeks from complete chaos. We have started to baby-proof, but we are not ready to have three walking babies. We had better get ready fast.

On Friday, Lila has a helmet appointment. It is possible that she may have completed treatment. I am trying not to get my hopes too high, though. I will keep you all posted.