Happy Valentine's Day from the triplets! I hope that you all enjoy this blog. I had intended to start a website a couple of months ago, but I have been busy! Lol. Since this is the inaugural post, I think that I will give you all a quick update on our progress. On February 5th, we went to the doctor for our third round of synagis shots (to prevent RSV). The babies were weighed. Addie weighed 10lbs 4ozs, Will 9lbs 12ozs, and Lila 9lbs 2ozs. Addie and Will are great eaters. Lila is still not too sure about the whole process. The babies are now all smiling. Not surprisingly, Addie was the first. She seems to be about two weeks ahead of Lila and Will developmentally. BUT, Will rolled over last Thursday. I think that he just hates tummy time that much!
I should also give you all a quick update on our routine. As many of you know, the babies fed every three hours around the clock for the first month or so. It took about 1.5 hours to feed all three. We had many helpers, but it about killed us all. We moved to four hour feedings in month two, and life improved dramatically. We now feed every 4.5 hours, and the feedings take only an hour. The good news is that sometimes the babies sleep a five hour stretch at night. Derek and I feed them about 10pm and then again at 4am. We are learning to function with little sleep.
Well, this post, as well as the others, will be brief. There is little time. But, I hope to frequently post pictures/videos.